big-headed solitude

with 2020 nina staehli’s artistic reflection lands in the project big-headed solitude in which she focuses on the concept of loneliness and in particular digital loneliness. one of the aspects at the basis of modern loneliness, in fact, is the digital connection that gives a feeling of control, paradoxically, however, the more this belief is nurtured the more we realize that we lose control over concrete things, over relationships. thus a vicious circle is triggered: the more we want to avoid loneliness, the more we connect, the more lonely we feel. the only antidote to digital loneliness is to fully experience emotions through concrete experience. big-headed solitude proceeds from these reflections and, through primarily analog artistic techniques such as performance and film, tells the story of what is perceived in the outside world: latent or real loneliness. the big heads thus become spaces of experience that open up the possibility of discovering new ways of thinking and acting through a feeling of isolation to be experienced concretely by wearing the oversized big heads. in this way they become a conduit for understanding how important actual iteration with people is and help us bridge the gap between the analog and digital worlds.